Thursday, April 26, 2012

Until Next Time

Today is my last day in the land shaped like a hand before starting my new journey.  I've been so grateful for the past few weeks, being able to spend time with so many people who are important to me.  Even though it hasn't been fun saying goodbyes, my appreciation for family and friends feels so much more real in a time like this.  The encouragement that I've gotten from you all is very comforting.  That continued support is going to be huge for me.

When people ask me why I decided to serve with the Peace Corps, sometimes it seems I don't have a really good answer.  But the reality is that I have the best and only answer: God has told me to go.  I don't know why exactly, or how it fits into His plan.  What I do know is that He has a purpose for me in Panama, and that He is preparing the way for me.  That gives me incredible peace in the midst of the unknown.

This is the beginning of my process toward becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Environmental Health program in Panama.  I have to get through training to be official.  My focus will be working on drinking water and sanitation projects in a rural community.  What specifically I will be doing and where I'll be living after training is still up in the air, but that's part of the adventure I guess.

Tomorrow morning I will fly to Washington DC to meet the rest of the PCV's in my training group.  Then Wednesday we all fly down to Panama together.  Our training lasts nine weeks, where we are instructed in language, technical, and cultural skills.  It sounds like it's pretty intense, without a lot of downtime.  Writing updates here will probably not be a regular occurrence, no guarantees on internet access.

If you want to do things the old fashioned way and write me a letter, we have an address for the training site.  Getting snail mail is always exciting.  Just remember I'll only be there until July, after that I'll have a new address.

Training site address:

Edificio 240, 3er PisoCalle Víctor IglesiasCiudad del Saber, ClaytonCorregimiento de AncónPanamá, República de Panamá
ATTENTION: Ben Vander Plas

Thank you everyone who has been praying for me and going through this journey with me.  I hope this blog helps me stay connected as much as I can.  I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose. 
Romans 8:28