Monday, July 15, 2013

Hello and Goodbye

Well, after what seemed much shorter than a couple weeks in the USA, I'm now back in Panama. It was a great time of reuniting with family and friends. So many of my dreams came true on this trip: being cold, eating sweet corn, sailing on Lake Michigan, not needing a mosquito net, and not sweating for a while to name a few. While I know it makes it a little bit harder to get back into the swing of things again in Vigía, it was totally worth it to come back and visit.

My timing worked out great as I was able to meet three new babies: Ellie - my newest niece, Maria - Tony and Angela's first addition to the family, and Charlotte - Shane and Kendra's three day old girl! It's hard to believe how much things are changing for these new families. I'm so glad I got to see them. Seeing my other nieces, Cora and Avalene, was also exciting, since they have grown up so much since I left the country.

Turns out Cora has quite the energetic personality
Baby Ellie sound asleep
Being away from my closest friends and family for over a year has made me appreciate them that much more. It was hard leaving again to spend another year here in Panama, but I know they will always be a huge support for me no matter the distance.

I love my family!

1 comment:

  1. I love your family too, Ben! And I was so happy that I got to see you a few times when you were home. May God bless you and keep you as you serve Him in all you do.
