Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Paseo in Michigan

It's been over a year since I've been in the USA, and I've been missing it. Little nieces have been growing up and developing personalities. I have a 5 month old nephew, Arie, that I haven't met! Friends and family have gotten new jobs, moved houses, and had other major life events. It's about time I went back to visit.

As a benefit of extending for a third year here in Panama, Peace Corps gives me a free trip and month of leave to go back to my "home of record". I'll be taking that vacation in and around Michigan December 1 - January 5. I'm hoping to visit and catch up with as many people as I can. So let me know if you're going to be in the area around Chicago, Kalamazoo, or Grand Rapids as I plan to travel around and visit family and friends.

I'm a little worried about my lack of tolerance for cold weather these days, as I imagine it will be just way too cold. I occasionally wear a fleece sweatshirt in the morning in San Felix, but I can't imagine the temperature drops below 75 degrees fahrenheit. It will be exciting to finally see some snow, and of course celebrate a white Christmas and New Years.

Home for Christmas, it's gonna be just like old times.

Just as a warning I might be acting a little weird - using Spanglish, looking for outdoor bathrooms, being very dramatic about the cold, craving rice and plantains, greeting strangers with a loud "Buenas!", using Panamanian hand gestures, or being overwhelmed by Christmas in general. But hey, I'll just be sharing cultures while doing my best not to embarrass family and friends too much.

This will an exciting trip and I'm really grateful to be able to spend a good amount of time visiting. It's always better to share stories and experiences in person, so I'm looking forward to that. But most of all I'll just be happy to spend time with everyone who's been supporting me from afar. It's coming up quick!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you, Ben! This photo is pretty great. We need to go to Olan Mills when you're here and recreate this one, Christmas sweaters and all.
    BTW, I showed this to my coworker and she thought Jon was a girl because of the bow that looks like it's in his hair and the purple turtle neck. Haha!
