Monday, February 24, 2014

Ultimate Frisbee Camp

A couple weeks ago I helped out with an ultimate frisbee summer camp that was put on by Peace Corps volunteers. It was a week long youth camp teaching kids about leadership and decision making through the sport of ultimate frisbee. Kids came from all over Panama, selected by the volunteer in their community. I brought two of my own, Ramiro and Heidi, who have been part of my local frisbee team in Vigía. It was really interesting to see all these 9-15 year olds interact with each other coming from different provinces, cultures, languages, and economic status. 

I brought Heidi and Ramiro to the camp from my community

Ramiro enjoyed the fancy hotel room
Since the camp was on the other side of the country from my community, the trip to get there was an adventure in itself. Several of us volunteers travelled together with all of the kids we were bringing from the Darien. Two days by bus with a 12 children is quite the journey. We called them our pollitos, or little chickens, because it was quite a sight to see them all following in a row through bus terminals and city streets. I felt like a strict parent sometimes trying to keep them in line. The stay in the hotel on the way was mind blowing for some of the kids who came from rural areas. Hot water showers, flush toilets, air conditioning, and TV are not things they often experience. I had to show some of them how to bathe indoors with running water and to flush the toilet. Fortunately we made all the way it without losing any little chickens.
Team Yellow: Golden Wolves (that's me with my face covered)

Throughout the week the kids learned how to through a frisbee and play the game, but also how to be a leader in their community and make wise choices. Using games and activities kept them engaged, and we even tired them out sometimes. It was great working with volunteers who had a lot of energy to motivate everyone and keep them excited. I've really enjoyed working with youth and seeing how much they can learn when you just take the time and give them attention. I felt exhausted after the camp, but it was definitely worth it.

Giving a talk on self-esteem

Everybody had a great time at Ultimate Frisbee Camp!

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